By Simon Yu, MD
Medical and Dental (MAD) JEDI Project
Hidden parasites and dental problems are one of the most difficult, unexpected medical challenges. They serve as an “Interference Field” why patients are not responding to medical treatments. I have been training medical doctors and dentists how to detect and treat hidden dental, parasite, fungal and allergy-immunology problems and connect the dots between medical and dental (MAD) problems in my Acupuncture Meridian Assessment (AMA) Training offered in the last week of April and August each year. JEDI Project stands for Joint EAV/AMA Doctors International Project.In 2023, I will add the last week of June another introductory and refresher AMA training, and the August training will be reserved for an advanced AMA training and focus on more clinical application on real complex patients. Most complicated patients invariably have many layers of hidden parasites and dental problems.
If you have a doctor or dentist you think would be interested in learning more about this, please share this article with them, and encourage them to attend! In my 4-day AMA training, participants alternate between an intensive seminar covering the scientific basis of AMA and its medical foundation, and hands-on training with peers in clinical practice for detecting subtle imbalances in acupuncture meridians. They learn how to test 40 plus essential acupuncture points in the hands and feet; how disturbances reflect pathogens, parasites, heavy metals, chemicals and other burdens on healthy functioning systems; and how to use point testing to guide selection of treatments. It includes demonstration, hands-on practice with peers, and personalized evaluation to guide learning and progress.
Learning EAV/AMA is like learning how to play a musical instrument or learning a martial art. Some people take it up very quickly but for most physicians and dentists, it will take time to master how to use it effectively. Be patient. Overcome your mental blocks and fear of the unknown. Prepare for an exciting journey on detecting various meridian system imbalances that underlie the development of chronic diseases, degeneration and cancers – and how to correct them. Learn to inspect and tune the resonance in the body, becoming medical-dental forensic detective physicians.
Many participants return for additional AMA Trainings as they integrate it into their practices. Advanced AMA training in August is designed for that purpose. You must have attended at least one basic and/ refresher fundamental training and have your own AMA equipment. You may bring your most challenging patient if you like, as a case study. Think differently, and join the paradigm shift in Energy Medicine and Dentistry.
Dr. Simon Yu, MD is a Board Certified Internist. He practices Internal Medicine with an emphasis on Integrative Medicine to use the best each has to offer. For more articles and information about integrative medicine, patient success stories, and Dr. Yu’s latest book, AcciDental Blow Up in Medicine: Battle Plan for Your Life, visit his website at www.preventionandhealing.com or call Prevention and Healing, Inc., 314-432-7802. You can also attend a free monthly presentation and discussion on Integrative Medicine at his office on the second Tuesday each month at 6:30 pm. Call to verify the date. Seating is limited, arrive early.
Simon Yu, MD
Prevention and Healing, Inc.
10908 Schuetz Road
St. Louis, MO 63146 314-432-7802
Weaving Internal Medicine with Integrative Medicine to Use the Best Each Has to Offer